Monday, December 21, 2009

Religion and Culture Through Ages : A Study on Terrorism

Religion and Culture Through Ages : A Study on Terrorism

Dr Rajesh Tewari, Reader, Dept. of History, Sri JNPG College, Lucknow
Dr. Alok Chantia, Lecturer, Dept. of Anthropology, Sri JNPG College, Lucknow
Life begets life and culture begets culture. In the process of biological and cultural evolution man understood the philosophy of nature. He also thought about the unsolved questions as to the formation of religion. From the very beginning of its inception religion played a vital role in the path of culture but due to pace of culture man increased his/her population and settled down his/her life. These processes increased the pressure of population on earth, that is why human being scattered from one place to another. Different climate and geographia gave different ideas which caused an effect on the unsolved questions of religion and finally universe got diversified religions. Followers of different religion suffered by ethnocentrisms took its negative shape as terror. Terror is against the essence of religion which advocates only for peace and love. But followers of religion encroached the feelings of other by putting their idea of religion forcibly. They criticized and rebuked other religions and created ruckus. they started using bullets in the name of religion. Present study is based on the comparative study of Hindu and Muslim religion and culture both. Here an attempt has been made to evaluate and decipher the role of religion in the formation of terror and terrorism. In this context cultural evolution will also be analysed to get concrete cause of terrorism in the framework of religion.

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