Monday, December 21, 2009

Selected Obstacles to the Success of Non-Violence Ideologies -An appraisal

Selected Obstacles to the Success of Non-Violence Ideologies -An appraisal

-Dr. Alok Chantia, Asstt. Prof., Dept of Anthropology, Sri J.N.P.G. College, Lucknow, U.P., E mail :
-Dr. Preeti Misra, Asstt. Prof., Dept of Human Rights School for Legal Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, U.P. E mail :

Key words- culture, equality, human rights, non-violence
Alike other creatures on this earth, human being is also violent by nature, but Biological human being converts into cultural human being by using cultural tools. Culture puts its own parameters which encompasses some group or people but it has limited carrying capacity so we find an encroachment of one culture into another which makes people hostile to protect themselves from alien groups. Ethnocentrism also supports this idea.
Non-violence is an ideal condition, which may be achieved in the society by the process of equality and this idea contains the philosophy of cultural relativism. After attaining equal status, we can minimize the possibility of violence, which is usual and common nowadays in the form of terrorism, castism, regionalism, etc.
Our Indian constitution advocates about equality under article 14 which is followed by article 15, 17, 19 and 21. All these articles are not directly associated with Non-violence but hidden messages of these articles are nothing but Non-violence.
Apart from above said articles, the meaning of democracy itself includes the essence of non-violence. Pluralism and multiculturalism are two main factors which advocate about live and let live. Indian text is theoretical about non-violence but Gandhiji was a true practitioner of it. That is why, he is global icon but his struggle in this regard again shows that the concept of non-violence is an ideal one, which may not be attained without introducing the real essence of Indian constitution and democracy.
All these points will be discussed in my present proposed paper.

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