Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Women, Work And Health With Special Reference To Dhankut

Women, Work And Health With Special Reference To Dhankut Of
Bahraich District In India.
Alok Chantia, Shailendra Pandey,
Ritu Garg, Neelam Agarwal.
Keywords - Work, health, Dhankut, Tridosha, disease.
In the process of evolution, humans made artificial nature with the specific name
of culture. Culture gave the idea of labor division in which both men and women are
wrapped according to the requirement of their cultural environment, but in the Indian
context, it is unbalanced.
Dhankut is an endogamous group of Bahraich district in the state of U. P. with a
population of 2687. Dhankut women number 1314. It is a matter of social, mental and
physical well-being. In the light of this explanation, the Dhankut women are suffering
from a lot of health problems in their working environment.
Dhankut women are engaged in their traditional work of cow-dung cake
production, wood selling, liquor production, etc. All these work are creating serious
health problems among them.
Being absence from the Indian government records (even the district gazetteer),
they are victims of poverty, illiteracy, which is the cause of their engagement in
traditional work and the occurrence of poor health.
In my proposed paper, I will discuss how Indian women suffer from poor health
due to their working environment in the light of the following points
1. Work-health and illiteracy.
2. Work-health and economy.
3. Work-health and tradition.

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